Building 7000 West park incorporates 5 floors of varying footprint. This project consisted of the complete fit-out of levels 3, 4 & 5 to accommodate new offices and part of level 1 to accommodate a Data Centre, storage areas, deliveries and staff entrance circulation. GFA 19,812m2.
The project included significant remedial works to the existing services and new installations as follows:
- Domestic Water Services installation
- LTHW & CWS installation
- All Ductwork Ventilation, AHU & Fan installation
- Soil & Waste installation
- Gas installation
- Controls Installation
- Commissioning
Electrical works included:
- Power supplies to newly installed services ie Heating and Cooling (AHUs, Extract Fans, Fan Coil units)
- Installation of back up generator
- Lighting installations
- All communications rooms including data centre
- Installations of MDBs and SDBs for all general services, power and lighting